Saturday, September 18, 2010


On Monday I will start my vacation for this 2010 year. I looked up the meaning and here it is:

1. Freedom from any activity, rest, respite, intermission

2. A period of rest and freedom from work, study, etc.; time of recreation, usually a specific interval in a year.

3. A vacation is a leave of absence from regular occupation, or a specific trip or journey, for the purpose of recreation or tourism. People often take a vacation during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations. Vacation are often spent with friends and family.

You can have a cheap vacation, All inclusive vacation, Last minute vacation, Worry free vacation, Family vacation, Disney vacation, Hawaii vacation. So much to worry about in taking a vacation.

So on Monday I will take a leave of absence to have an intermission for a time of recreation to a place of celebration with a freedom together with my family. On Oct 12-- I will come back to work for a time of rest! Holiday Road here I come!