Saturday, June 14, 2008


I pulled into the gas station the other day and paid $2.35 a gallon for gas. Wow what a deal! I remember saying $2.00 a gallon would be the most I would ever pay for gas! How time changes things.
Want to get a great deal on gas. Go to Siempre our children home in Tijuana, Mexico. As you leave Mexico, fill up your tank with $2.35 a gallon gas. Yes gas in Tijuana is now $2.35. I saved $30.00 for taking a trip to Mexico. I got paid for working at Siempre that day. I worked 10 hours for $3.00 an hour.
Prices for a gallon of gas in Norway $8.73, England--$8.00, Japan $5.77, Australia—$3.85, Mexico City $2.22, Russia $1.45, Kazakhstan $1.35, Saudi Arabia .91 cents, Venezuela .14 cents. If I only gone to Venezuela instead of Tijuana I would have saved $77.14!

Pastor Ken

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